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Updated: 2024-06-30

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Home - Journeys - Netherlands, Arcen 2023 - Thursday, June 8, 2023

We slept a lot better last night in De Maasparel, we do wake up early but that's not a bad thing.
The breakfast is again very good and because we are going back to Apeldoorn today we take a sandwich with us for the road.
And we plan to go back via Kleve, a bit further, but then we can immediately take groceries home.

But first we're going to cycle a bit, we have enough time.
We now choose a route on the other side of the Maas, and so we take a ferry to the other side.
In the village of Lottum we pass Rosarium Lottum, a large rose nursery and garden centre. Of course Pia wants to look around there and an hour later we are three roses richer.
We don't feel like cycling another 25 km with roses in our panniers, so we go back to the car.
Everything, that is, the three roses, are loaded, the bicycles are put on the back and we drive off towards Kleve.

It is very quiet in Kleve, but we don't mind that yet. But at the first supermarket we want to go to, the parking lot is deserted. Then to the second, and there the parking lot is also empty, except for one Dutch car.
Fortunately, someone is at the store who tells us that today is a holiday in Germany and that only restaurants are open.
We then drive home, and around half past three we are home.

Written on: 2023-06-11


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It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.